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Table Of Content Featured insights and reports The Best Restaurants In Nashville Marsh McLennan Agency's West team is named to list of Nation’s Top DC Advisor Teams Global Insurance Market Index This L.A. director made a film in Russia. The Kremlin wasn’t happy. Then came death threats Marsh at IFC's Global Trade Partners Meeting And though the case had unfolded around them, neither woman had heard her story. Nests of Winter Wrens are made of twigs, moss, and grass woven together into a round shape with a small opening. They lay 1 – 9 eggs, and hatching takes around two or two and a half weeks and fledging the same. Look for Winter Wrens hidden in tangled undergrowth in forests and backyards. They eat insects and spiders by rummaging through fallen leaves and decaying bark. Featured insights and reports Pacific Wrens are brown all over with darker barring on the wings, tail, and belly. Marsh Wrens are brown with black and white streaks on their back. Their underside...